The following allied families are in our direct line Martineau ancestry: Gravel, Blanchet, Morin, Schwartz, Frase, Potratz, Schleif, Boek, Behnke, Schauer, Oelke, Krause, Luebke, Abraham, Faerber, Bahr, Rambow

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Schleif Family of Vandsburg, West Prussia

Gustav Schleif and his parents were from the Vandsburg area of West Prussia, today Wiecbork, Poland.  Gustav was born in Jastremken on 26 Apr 1868.  His father, Karl August Schleif, was also born there on 20 Mar 1836.  Karl's mother appears to have been from Gross Wollwitz.

Gustav's mother was Henriette Juhlke.  It is unknown where Gustav's parents were married.

Karl Schleif family immigration 1878

Our ancestors, Karl August Schleif and Hennriette Öhlke arrived at New York City on 4 Oct 1875.  They arrived from Bremen, Germany and their destination was Minnesota. 

They came on the S.S. Mosel, and the ship's passenger lists them as follows:
Name                      Age
Karl Schleif               48        farmer  (this age is incorrect, it should be 39)
Hennrietta Schleif      39        should be 38
Justine Schleif           65        should be about 70 (this is Karl's mother)
Johann Schleif          16       
Auguste Schleif          9
(illegible)                   9
Hanne Schleif             7
Gustav Schleif            5         should be about 7
Karl Schleif                4
Ottilie Schleif             3
August Schleif          6 mos.

The ages are not quite accurate and vary from later census records, however, the names are all correct, so we are sure this is them. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Schwarz (Schwartz) Family Emigration Record

Wilhelm and Matilda Schwartz (Schwarz) emigrated from Dzialy, Bromberg, Posen, Prussia on 25 March 1893 on the ship "Slavonia" out of Hamburg, Germany.

Dzialy was located right next to the Bromberg Canal, that was built in 1772 to connect Nakel and Bromberg.  Below is a map from 1857 showing Vorwerk Dzialy, as part of the Canal Colonies.  Wilhelm was supposedly born in Nakel, and Mathilde Frase was supposedly born in Bromberg.  They had left Dzialy in 1893, so this location fits the story well.